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Biokräuterei Mathiasnhof
Mansing 1aOttnangAustria

Ihr möchtet die Natur entdecken, eintauchen in die Welt bunter Blüten, duftender Kräuterfelder, den Hausruckwald erleben und das Bergpanorama genießen?

Dann heißen wir euch bei uns am Mathiasnhof herzlich willlkommen! Wir, Thomas und Magdalena, leben und arbeiten hier in unserem kleinen Bio-Kräuterparadies inmitten sanfter Hügel gemeinsam mit unseren drei Kindern Jonathan, Florentina und Rosalie.

Die biologische Wirtschaftweise ist für uns die Basis unserer täglichen Arbeit. Eine bunte Vielfalt zeichnet unseren Hof aus.

Unsere Appartements haben wir naturnahe ausgestattet. Holzböden und Holzeinrichtung haben wir bewusst gewählt, um den ursprünglichen menschlichen Bedürfnissen gerecht zu werden. Ruhe und Erholung fern vom Alltagsstress, umgeben von gemütlicher, moderner und traditioneller Ausstattung - eine Basis, um genießen, aufblühen und aufatmen zu können. Jedes einzelne Zimmer wurde mit vielen liebevollen Details ausgestattet, damit unseren Gästen ein Ort zum Entspannen und Erholen zur Verfügung steht.

Garden View
Multimedia (Sat-TV)
Great Emotions
Max: 2 people
25 m2
Mountain view
Garden view
Beverages sold on the premises

In the realm of reality, we are never as happy as in the realm of thought. Escape from reality, feel great emotions far away from the hustle and bustle, immerse yourself in a relaxing break from everyday life. At our place, you’ve got the chance to be present in the moment, to take a deep breath and unwind. Feel welcome in our apartment “Great Emotions”.

The apartment is designed using colours and fragrances that will hopefully allow you to escape from reality during your stay at our farm. A cup of our herbal tea blend “Great Emotions” (“Überdosis G’fühl”) is a must-have, of course.

You can also book the room “Great Emotions” with a living room incl. kitchenette and fridge (adjacent room) plus balcony.

Self-Catering Stay
Lowest rate
    7 nights
    € 908.60
    All taxes and fees included
    Booking terms & conditions
    Stay Incl. Breakfast
    • Breakfast
    7 nights
    € 1,174.60
    All taxes and fees included
    Booking terms & conditions
    Cloud 9 (“Wolke 7”)
    Max: 6 people
    55 m2
    4 burner cooktop
    Mountain view
    Baking oven

    Life’s greatest events - it’s not our loudest, but our quietest hours. Float on cloud 9, let your thoughts wander as you’re gazing in the distance, take in the view of the (herb) fields and the mountain panorama from the balcony while you’re sipping a cup of “Cloud 9 Tea” (“Wolke 7-Tee”). Escape the stresses and strains of everyday life, high up in the air - the doors of our apartment “Cloud 9” are open for you.

    Self-Catering Stay
      7 nights
      € 1,223.60
      All taxes and fees included
      Booking terms & conditions
      Stay Incl. Breakfast
      • Breakfast
      7 nights
      € 1,489.60
      All taxes and fees included
      Booking terms & conditions
      Happy Hours
      Max: 6 people
      55 m2
      4 burner cooktop
      Mountain view
      Baking oven

      Being lucky - a gift of fortune. Feeling happy - a gift from your heart. Enjoy feelings and moments of joy, inhale the fragrance of mood-lifting herbs, gaze at the fields of herbs and wildflowers - that’s what a holiday on an organic herb farm feels like. Courage marks the beginning of action, happiness the end. On the quest for happiness, we welcome you in our apartment “Happy Hours”.

      Self-Catering Stay
        7 nights
        € 1,223.60
        All taxes and fees included
        Booking terms & conditions
        Stay Incl. Breakfast
        • Breakfast
        7 nights
        € 1,489.60
        All taxes and fees included
        Booking terms & conditions